Sunday, July 22, 2007


I feel so dirty right now. No, not mentally, physically. Why? Because my parents forced me into a RED shirt and CREAM pants. Seriously, who in the world wears those two colors together!? I felt so, so... VIOLATED. My privacy and personal space are down to zero. I want my black jeans and black tank top NOW. DDDDX

Yeaaah, that red shirt is going to cease existing now. In all seriousness it really is.


(PS: Here are some WIPs. ^^)

Evo EveJinSk8er Eve

Picture 1: Not much progress since my last screenshot. But now her 'gun' (if you can call it that...) and disk are finished along with her skirt. I just need to do her boots and I can do the detailing. ^^

Picture 2: Not much progress here, I'm currently doing her cloak.

Picture Three: Again, not much progress, I'm just coloring her skin base now.

1 comment:

CelistialWolf said...

The pictures are coming out good! Whats wrong with wearing a red shirt (i can understand the pants)? To many people are always wearing black all the time nowadays D|