Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Anniversary Adversaries

Aaah, Marriage Anniversaries, a time of love, passion, and dragging your children like pack mules. Beautiful, no?

It's a Joke, get it? No? Neither did I or my back. -_-;

Seriously, my mother and father had their 20th anniversary, so we went to do some internal tourism. We went to the Arecibo Light House, where people stared at me like they've never seen a person wearing black in broad sunlight.

Oh well. Back to the point. The Light House was somewhat fun actually, I loved having the wind almost knock me over, but then again I'm weird like that. XDD Well, after that we went to the mall and bought something REEEEAAAAALLLYYYY quick, we would have stayed a little more but my brother started feeling sick. *cough*blamethecheeseburgers*cough* So we dropped him at home and went to eat. We ate at Ruby Tueday and I had a Triple Play. All three of us almost had an Ulcer over how hot the orange sauce was. XDDD

Then we went to Coldstone. GOD. I swear that place is the Ice cream Subway. The Cookie Dought ice cream is great! And the cheesecake one... Heeeaaaveeen~~ *tomato'd*

Oh weeeeeell, after that I got all drowsy and took a snooze. That's is all.


Monday, July 23, 2007

Writting Induces Headaches

Ouch... My head is almost sucked dry from writing so much. And no, not fanfiction, original stuff. I'm writting both Remordere Reapers's final chapters, AND a cross over between RR and Neeako's Reaper Wars. Between trying to give my own story a good ending, and keeping her and my characters canon (Darn! Ty is hard to get in character XD) I'm getting a massive brain meltdown. DX What's worse I STILL don't have a good title for the crossover story.

For those who are interested in the plot of the story, here's the summary I came up with:

Tyson Darke is a 16 year old boy who has recently moved to the small town of Wishrod along with his mother, Cassy, and his cousin Ivy after the apparent suicide of his father. He now attends Crystal High, a high school that is said to be haunted by ghosts, demons and other supernatural beings. Two months later he bumps into a strange dazed boy, and that's where his life changes. Now he must balance school, strange occurrences, constant attacks by these strange beings, and of course, getting home on curfew.

And that's basically it. Well, anyone have a good suggestion for the tittle, it would be much appreciated. ^^


Sunday, July 22, 2007


I feel so dirty right now. No, not mentally, physically. Why? Because my parents forced me into a RED shirt and CREAM pants. Seriously, who in the world wears those two colors together!? I felt so, so... VIOLATED. My privacy and personal space are down to zero. I want my black jeans and black tank top NOW. DDDDX

Yeaaah, that red shirt is going to cease existing now. In all seriousness it really is.


(PS: Here are some WIPs. ^^)

Evo EveJinSk8er Eve

Picture 1: Not much progress since my last screenshot. But now her 'gun' (if you can call it that...) and disk are finished along with her skirt. I just need to do her boots and I can do the detailing. ^^

Picture 2: Not much progress here, I'm currently doing her cloak.

Picture Three: Again, not much progress, I'm just coloring her skin base now.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Ironic Much?

OMGOMGOMGOMG. XDD I'm having a laughing fit, for you see, Irony has taken another strike.

My friend gave me some news, most people would faint, but noooooooo, my chair has to pop a wheel. Seriously, she told me that, and my chair instantly popped a wheel. XDDD

Anyways, it was just so random. So yeah.

... Ja Ne!


13 More Days...

Wow, time goes really fast when you're a daydreamer... Seriously! I swore it was May YESTERDAY. (Not literally by the way...) And now I look at the calendar and notice that in less than 13 days I will turn old... er... on August 2. o_o Wow, that scares even ME.

Oh well. Speaking about fast time, looks like school is starting faster than I would like it to be, August 7 I think. *sigh* Well, all I'm missing to be ready for school is my backpack anyways... and I do miss my friends. I guess school wont be so bad, plus, I use class for daydreaming plot bunnies. XDD

Moving on~!

I can't believe that in a matter of weeks I will have been on dA a whole year! I feel so proud. So I decided to follow a great example set by one of my favorite artist and give gifts to my watchers. So if you're reading this and you are one of my watchers, make sure to request something from me here.

That's all, later!


Saturday, July 14, 2007

First Post!

Eh? What's this?

I made a blog, wow, will the surprises never end!? XDD Yeah. So this is for the people who want to know about my interestingly uninteresting life, get WIP updates not seen in dA, and sneak peeks for my Secret-Project. (Some people know what it is though, *pokes FreakyEd and Neeako*)I know none of you want to read this stuff but it's just for fun. So yeah, next journal will be more interesting, this is just to have something in this barren wasteland. >>;

Over and Out guys!

(PS: That picture you see up there is a WIP I'm working on. You'll find it in scraps when finished. >>; )