Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Anniversary Adversaries

Aaah, Marriage Anniversaries, a time of love, passion, and dragging your children like pack mules. Beautiful, no?

It's a Joke, get it? No? Neither did I or my back. -_-;

Seriously, my mother and father had their 20th anniversary, so we went to do some internal tourism. We went to the Arecibo Light House, where people stared at me like they've never seen a person wearing black in broad sunlight.

Oh well. Back to the point. The Light House was somewhat fun actually, I loved having the wind almost knock me over, but then again I'm weird like that. XDD Well, after that we went to the mall and bought something REEEEAAAAALLLYYYY quick, we would have stayed a little more but my brother started feeling sick. *cough*blamethecheeseburgers*cough* So we dropped him at home and went to eat. We ate at Ruby Tueday and I had a Triple Play. All three of us almost had an Ulcer over how hot the orange sauce was. XDDD

Then we went to Coldstone. GOD. I swear that place is the Ice cream Subway. The Cookie Dought ice cream is great! And the cheesecake one... Heeeaaaveeen~~ *tomato'd*

Oh weeeeeell, after that I got all drowsy and took a snooze. That's is all.


1 comment:

FreakyEd said...

Ahhhh and them go way back. Those days are a pain in the ass though when I'm not the spouse XD

Well least you've got something fun. I did...uhh...well, sitting on the CP drawing...that's all DX